3 Great Reasons to Shop ARES Thrift Store Now Thru Labor Day

Hi everyone, 

We know times are tough these days. So we thought you’d be interested in some great deals and events coming up at ARES. 

1. SUMMER RAFFLE: We’re giving away some of the year’s most-unique donations for FREE! Find prizes in the display case at the register. Earn tickets all month long in August just by shopping with us, checking in at ARES etc…(see cashier for all ways to enter). Seven Lucky winners will be pulled on the 31st of August. More visits provide options for more entries! 

2. FILL-A-BAG SALE: Come by and see just how many items you can stuff into our bags- just $10+ tax for each bag! Bring a friend for this one, and they’ll thank you for it. 

3. DOLLA DOLLA BIN SALE: Everyone’s favorite deal! Peruse thousands of items out front- Each just $1 (weather-permitting). These are unsorted donations so be a little more careful handling these items, than those in-store that we’ve cleaned and made certain are safe.

August sale calendar

+ Social Distancing & Sanitizing:
What ARES is doing to keep you and our staff and volunteers safe

Most of you are making fewer trips out of the house these days. That makes it more important than ever that you have a comfortable and enjoyable environment to enjoy a quick thrift trip now and then.   

At ARES, we want our store to be as safe as possible so that you may rest assured while shopping with us. We are fully-loaded with sanitizing sprayers to tackle frequently touched surfaces and address them continuously throughout our open hours. We have plexiglass barriers at our register area as well as signage at the storefront regarding the need for masks and social-distancing when in our store. Our staff provide verbal updates to shoppers about the need to keep to one person (or group that arrived together) per aisleway. Our regular shoppers have gotten this down, and it is working great so far.  

Also, we should mention that yes, you may certainly utilize fitting rooms to try on items you like. We just ask that you always hang any unwanted items on the specific rack left outside the room, as we quarantine those items away afterward. 

And most importantly, we are making sure you are not coming in contact with recently-donated items from households when you are shopping. We have had over a year’s supply of donations to process for our salesfloor as you all were very busy cleaning out during Safer at Home times. This allows for us to easily store away any current/fresh donations and add only those items that have been sufficiently quarantined to our salesfloor. On occasion, there are items that may be too fragile or an odd size or shape for storage, and in those infrequent cases, the items are fully sanitized if we need to bring them into the store at the end of the day in which they were donated. 

 In addition to items being sanitized, we also provide hand sanitizer at the front of the store available for all who are coming or going to use. Or you may use our restroom at any point to wash your hands as well if you would prefer that option.  We definitely understand that folks are hesitant these days to come out and shop in the manner they did prior to this year, however if there is something we could do to allow you to get in and out more quickly, or pay by phone and run an item outside for you to pick up curbside, just give a call during any of our open hours and we’ll do our best to accommodate if it is a request within reason.    

We are hoping to be here in the community for many more years serving up our unique, secondhand scores for you. Thanks for adapting and for getting through these times with us. 

Stay thrifty and safe friends,
– Jennifer Greany

If are able to support our relief efforts to maintain our ability to offer thrifty goods and services to people in the local community, and offset our lack of revenue for three months due to store closure, please click here: 
GoFundMe and thank you so much!